Moorlands Primary Staff
Welcome to Moorlands Primary School,
We hope that this website will help you find out some of the most important information about life at our magnificent school.
We use our website to celebrate all the exciting and wonderful learning and achievements that have been happening through each term. We are so proud of all our children and their special qualities. Furthermore, the staff constantly astound us at how hard they work to make Moorlands the very best it can be.
We hope you have fun navigating the site. Get clicking and be amazed at what goes on in a school day!
We hope that you will find all the information that you are looking for. If you should have any questions, you are very welcome to contact the school directly.
Thank you for visiting.
Mr Parkin

Mrs Wright
Deputy Headteacher

Miss Roughton
Assistant Head
for Inclusion
Mr Reed
Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning

Mrs Harrison
Business Manager

Mrs Henneberg
Miss Saunders

Miss Nash

Miss Targett

Mr Kill

Mrs Spacagna
Year One

Miss Cummerson

Mrs Rudd

Miss Perkins

Mrs Lillington

Mrs Gowans
Year Two

Miss Sidhu

Mrs Nash

Mrs Baker

Miss Stevens
Year Three

Mrs Goddard

Mrs Jenks

Mrs Moran
Year Four

Miss Stone

Mr Heelas

Mr Hart
Year Five

Miss Cummins

Miss Buckfield

Miss Waring
Senior Teacher
Year Six

Mrs Allen

Mrs Whittingstall-Bean

Miss Wallaya

Mrs Beanland

Mrs Deadman-Rose
Key Workers
Mrs Blyth

Mrs Raffle
Mr Atkins

Ms Simper
Miss Hall
Mrs Seaman

Mrs Harris
Mrs Coward
Mrs Fossey
Ms Thomas

Miss Clark
Ms Townsend

Mrs Hunt
Mrs Purdue
Miss Blandford

Miss Thorne

Mr Slater

Mrs Tubbs