Autumn 1 Science; Plants & Growth
Newts did some fantastic science! We did an experiment to find out the best way to disperse seeds. Kazra came to visit and helped us with the experiment.
We tried a fan, we blew the seeds and threw the seeds. We predicted that the fan would work best. But, we found that throwing was the most effective way to disperse our seeds.

Last Year!
Have a look below to see some of the things we got up to last year!
Marwell Z00!
Year 1 had the BEST time visiting the Zoo! We enjoyed looing at the different animals, attending a science workshop and having a class picnic together! Take a look below at all the fun we had!

Science Dome
Year 1 had a blast learning about Planet Earth and exploring different places around the world. We looked at the Amazon Rainforest and discovered what animals we might see. Then we moved onto the Sahara Desert where it was very hot!

World Book Day
Year 1 had the BEST day celebrating World Book Day! We dressed up as our favorite book characters, made character masks, joined in on a book quiz and read a book with children in Year 5. We love World Book Day!

Year 1 took a trip to Year R to visit the chicks! Take a look at us holding them below:

Year 1 Pirate Day
In our History lessons we have been learning all about Pirates and we even had the chance to have our very own Pirate Day! We learned all about Pirate ships, walked the plank, followed clues to treasure and even got a photo with a parrot! Take a look at our amazing outfits below!

Our Trim Trail Marble Treat

Fun in the SNOW!

Year 1 Grounds Day
Year 1 had their very first grounds day! We spent the entire day learning outside! We sorted leaves, created nature pictures, built homes for animals and finally made nature bracelets. A cold but fun day!

Victorian Day
Year 1 have been learning all about Victorians! We spent our Victorian day doing drills, handwriting and learning poems. In the afternoon our class turned into a toy museum and we explored Victorian toys.

DT- Designing our own vehicle
In DT we have been looking at mechanisms with a focus on wheels and axels. We started this topic with understanding that wheels move because they are attached to an axle. We looked at different wheels and axles and worked out how wheels work best. Then we deigned a vehicle that includes functioning wheels, axles and axle holders and labeled each part. Lastly we had fun making our designs come to life! Take a look: