Year 5
Solent sky museum
Foxes class went on a school trip to help us with our history learning (Southampton then and now). We spent the morning at Solent sky museum, getting to sit in different fighterr jet and seeing a real life spitfire! Then we went on a walk to see the Southampton walls and we even found some soldier who had carved their names into the wall.
Question of Faith Day
Year 5 have all engaged in our annual Question of Faith day. The children have been looking at Community and belonging. We have discussed the story of the Good Samaritan, draw which communities we belong to and create a story cube.
DT - Making desk organisers
Foxes have been creating durable structures to create a desk organiser. We used cardboard, toilet rolls and glue guns to create them! The design process was challenging but we made it!
TT Rockstar Winners!
Art - Collage
Foxes have been using Kandinsky's art style this half term. We have been using different tactile resources to create group collages.
Foxes have had an exciting visit this week. The Bikeability team have been practising their cycling skills both in school and on the roads!
Science - Sundials
Foxes have been looking at Earth and space so far in their Science lessons. They have been investigating how we can prove that the Earth is spherical. One way we looked at was how shadows are created so we made sundials to look at this further.
Maths - Place Value
Year 5 have been working practically in Maths this week to represent and partition numbers. We have been increasing the size of the numbers, up to 100,000.
Last Year!
Have a look below to see some of the things we got up to last year!
Year 5 have been excitedly riding their bikes this week! They have shown off their skills on the playground on Monday before some of them went on an adventure around the local roads!
Tangram Puzzles!
As part of our shape unit in Science, Year 5 have been using their knowledge to solve tangram puzzles. The children worked well as a team to try and create different animals out of different shaped carpet tiles.
As part of our Science unit this half term, Year 5 have been comparing the nutritional content between shop bought and home-made items. To test this, we compared a Cheese and Pickle sandwich from the shop and then we made our own. The home-made sandwiches were significantly healthier in all areas! They may have been healthier but not sure on which presentation was better!
Food around the world event
As part of our 'Celebrating Differences' unit in PSHE, Year 5 have been planning, resourcing and producing a Food around the world event. The children (who were grouped) each picked a different culture to celebrate and baked a delicious sweet treat to sell. The event was such a success and we raised £164.40 for our chosen charity, Shelter.
Ancient Greek Art
Foxes have been taking inspiration, designing and then making their own Ancient Greek pot. The children had great fun practicing different techniques when using the clay.
T-shirt designs!
Foxes have been designing a t-shirt machine to make an individual t-shirt of their choice. The children had some amazing ideas and then brought them to life using fabric pens.
Vision workshop
Foxes have been learning about the differences that other people in the school/world may have. We enjoyed a workshop to learn about the difficulties that people with a visual impairment may face! The children got to try on glasses to show them hard normal tasks are for some people.
Volcano Art
Foxes have been practicing their painting skills, using acrylics to create a picture of a volcano. We practiced different techniques to create the lava and how to mix the colours together to make it the most realistic. Check out the pictures we made below!